Editor's review
This tool helps migration of data from MySQL to DB2.
This tool automates the process of data migration from My SQL to IBM’s DB2 database. When you have a lot of data to be transferred from one database to the other on a frequent basis a tool like this could be very useful. Migrating through this tool saves a lot of time as this program is able to complete the job on its own and you do not need to do things manually. This usually is the job for someone in the IT department of your organization and this utility can really save you significant time without tying up someone babysitting the process. This tool offers three different ways the transfers could be made. The first of these is a straightforward transfer of a specific table in MySQL to one in the DB2.There is a multi-way transfer through query which can be a “n to 1” transfer. The third mode is the n table to n table transfer mode.
The transfer modes can be configured visually and the interface makes it very simple. The IT types should be able to get used to this interface quite easily. The tables involved in the transfer will have to be specified. There can be only specific fields involved in the transfer. The tool lets you set up this correspondence before starting the transfer. The tool’s progress bar shows you what percentage of the transfer has been completed. Progress also is indicated by the number of records completed and the elapsed time taken. The bar is a visual indication of how much work is done and what’s left to be done. A wizard available helps things further by guiding the user through the set up. When you have data transfers to be done regularly, scheduled transfers help a lot. Command line could be used to set up transfers efficiently. This is a very good tool.
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